Meet Ms. D: “Never Give Up.”
“You are not disabled. You are handicapped, but still able.”
Ms. D, physically limited by severe nerve damage, remembers the words of her mother. Life-threatening health challenges forced Ms. D to adjust to a new normal as a young adult. These days, years after her miraculous and partial recovery, Ms. D lives with her sister and caregiver Ms. P and their chihuahua, Cupcake.
Faith and family are the foundation of her life. The walls of her home are lined with scripture and inspirational quotes. The sisters treasure family recipe books and photo albums kept in safe places. Ms. D says home is her place of comfort, where she can relax and be herself.
Ms. D couldn’t relax, however, when she heard the drip of a roof leak in the kitchen. Over four years, the condition of the roof went from bad to dangerous. It threatened the family’s health and safety. Ms. D and Ms. P sisters reached out for help from multiple sources but found the door closed to them at every turn. If they met one requirement for receiving services, it seemed they didn’t meet another.
But they didn’t give up hope.
Ms. P saw a Rebuild Upstate sign in a neighbor’s yard and immediately reached out. Rebuild Upstate matched the sisters with our friends at Emmanuel’s Hammer – just in time.
After years of damage, the roof was about to collapse. Each time it rained, Ms. D and Ms. P prayed the roof would not cave in on them.
Volunteers from Emmanuel’s Hammer and members of Rebuild Upstate’s Handyman Club restored the roof to a safe condition. The very next night, it rained like crazy. This time, the roof protected the family inside. Ms. D and Ms. P felt like God gave them a sign: they could trust Him to care for them.
Under a restored roof, Ms. D is now safe to do what she’s done since returning home from the hospital- encourage others. She frequently calls friends and family to talk and pray. Strangers who hear of Ms. D’s gift call just to receive a bit of her special encouragement. Ms. D wants people to know that no matter what they are facing, they are not alone.
She has one tried and true piece of advice: “Never give up. Eventually, it will turn around.”