By the Numbers

The median value of an owner-occupied home in the Upstate.
2010 US Census

The annual household income required to purchase a home at that median value.
2017 American Community Survey

The number of homes in Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, & Pickens Counties that make less than $50k per year.
US Census Bureau
The Takeaway
It’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to find good quality housing that they can afford—not just low-wage hourly workers, but skilled workers with incomes closer to the local median.
If the Upstate wants to remain competitive and continue to become more desirable for all people to live, we must do more to help our neighbors who cannot afford quality housing.
How Rebuild Upstate is Helping Bridge the Gap
The number of homeowners in the Upstate who we know right now are living in unsafe, subpar housing.
The average cost to build a new affordable home in our community when using volunteers for labor.
The average cost for Rebuild Upstate to perform all necessary repairs on one home.
The Takeaway
For the same investment as one volunteer-built new affordable housing unit, Rebuild Upstate can repair and rehabilitate 20 existing homes. By doing our part, we can help keep our neighbors in their homes and help them regain safety, dignity, and comfort. Learn more about our holistic community approach.
In 2023 Alone, Rebuild Upstate…
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We Need Your Help
There are many ways you can get involved with Rebuild Upstate to help us live out our mission and help these homeowners in need.
Ensure Rebuild Upstate has the resources necessary to repair an additional home.