Our Programs

About Our Programs

Tracks to Fit Every Possible Need

Rebuild Upstate offers an application program opportunity including: ramps & steps, aging in place, and critical repairs. These are all need based and determined by the Rebuild Upstate team after the application is submitted.

While the work aims to keep families safe, the application process allows us to maximize funding opportunities for each applicant. This helps us better report to our funders and reduce waiting times for better-funded opportunities. Rebuild Upstate works with around 12 repair funders, many of which have their eligibility criteria.

All who are interested and fit the requirements must submit an application. There is a single, universal application that allows the Rebuild Upstate team to determine next steps based on need. This helps us collect information needed regardless of program. Repairs by program may be performed at different times.

Program Eligibility

Rebuild Upstate works with numerous public and private partners to fund our programs. Due to the nature of our funding, the criteria or amount for each bucket of funds may change based on the goals of our funding partners.

Core Program Eligibility

You must meet these criteria to be eligible for any of our programs.

  • You must reside in Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, or Pickens County.
  • You must be at 80% AMI or lower.
  • No sex offender can live in the home.

Vulnerable Populations

Some of our funders direct their funds specifically to programs designated to help:

  • Older Adults (60 years +)
  • Veterans
  • People with Disabilities

Some factors that may exclude you from some funding opportunities include:

  • Length of homeownership is less than 2 years
  • If the names on the deed do not match who lives in the house
  • Not having home insurance
  • Outstanding property taxes
  • If you live in a mobile home
  • You own other properties

Our Program Funding is Made Possible By:

Community Development Block Grant

HOME Funds

SC Housing Trust Fund

SC Appalachian Council of Governments

Veteran Home Repair and Modification Program (HUD)

Private Grants (various)

Programs to Fit Your Needs

How We Can Help You

The single, universal application process equips Rebuild Upstate staff to match an applicant with the best program to meet their needs.  Applicants only need to submit one application. Check to see if any of these programs fit your needs below.

Ramps & Decks

Applicants must meet our above Core Eligibility requirements along with:

  • You do not have a safe way to enter or exit your home
  • You depend on a walker or wheelchair to get around your home
  • You have fallen or are at risk of falling when getting in and out of your home.
  • You do not need any other repairs at the home.

Aging in Place

Applicants must meet our above Core Eligibility requirements along with:

  • You’re not able to safely access all parts of your home
  • You’re over the age of 60
  • You’re not able to age safely in your home
  • You need a ramp AND other repairs inside the home

Critical Home Repairs

Applicants must meet our above Core Eligibility requirements along with:

  • Are in need of a major home repair
  • Are in need of major home repair and a ramp but you do not meet the age requirement for the Aging in Place program
  • Live in a stick-built home (not a mobile home)

Applying for Programs

Once you’ve decided to apply, the next step is to submit your application. Here is a quick list to check and make sure you’ve got all you need before you start your application

  1. Check if you are eligible.
  2. Have your ID and homeowners insurance information available.
  3. Provide proof of income (Pay stubs, social security statements, or disability statements)
  4. Have IDs for anyone over 18 in the house
  5. Plan to spend 30-60 minutes.
  6. Create or log in to your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The application is the same no matter how many repairs you need or which program you are a fit for. Please only submit one application.

The three programs align with the funding and/or volunteers currently available. Many volunteer groups are interested in our Ramps & Decks Program. Our Handyman Clubs are already focused on Aging in Place repairs like walk-in showers and bathroom floors. The remaining repairs can be quite expensive and require funding at a higher amount to be able to accomplish the repairs. The programs help our team better match an applicant to funding and manage the repair process.

Wait times vary based on different factors including approval for funding, volunteer availability, your place in the order, etc. We will communicate with you as there is more clarity on the time frame during your process in our program.

You may apply again, but depending on the timing and nature of previous repairs you may not qualify for service and/or funding.

By RU policy, once a home has been fully served with home repairs there is a 10-year window during which additional services will not be available.

Rebuild Upstate has repaired more than 1,500 homes in the Upstate. Annually, we repair 130-160 homes depending on available funds and the scope of work needed at each home.

Let Our Team Help You Get Started

Not sure where to begin? We can talk you through any questions you may have. We’d love to help you!