Rebuild Upstate follows best practices for an organization of our size to ensure financial stewardship of our donations and funding.

Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023
Rebuild Upstate earned the highest level of recognition from Candid (formerly Guidestar) six consecutive years for its financial transparency.

Core Mission Support
Our Funding Model
Core Mission Support re-visions how we talk about expenses. It helps express the true value of things and people. These expenses are typically viewed as “overhead.” In actuality, it takes Rebuild Upstate an average of $6,000 to repair one home, all inclusive.
Each staff member and resource is important to sustaining a healthy and vibrant organization. it takes more than lumber and screws to fully support the low-income homeowners we serve. By revisioning our expenses, we can communicate the true value of all our resources.
Direct Program Expenses
Things like tools, lumber, vehicles, and resources we need to directly serve our low-income neighbors.
Core Support: Finance, HR, & Board
Things like executive staff, strategic planning activities, and staff professional development.
Core Support: Fundraising & Partners
Things like direct fundraising costs such as postage, events, and caring for our volunteers.
Direct Program Expenses
Finance, HR, & Board Operations
Fundraising & Partner Development
Financial data reflects our fiscal year ending August 31, 2022.