CEO Letter: Important Updates to our Program & Application Process

Dear Friends of Rebuild Upstate,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I share some exciting developments at Rebuild Upstate that will improve our ability to carry out our program and support homeowner applicants.

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing critical home repairs to our neighbors, we are streamlining our home repair program by reviewing our program model and implementing new management software.  

These changes will allow us to:

  • better manage and process applications
  • prioritize repairs and determine program eligibility with our funding partners
  • provide more transparency to applicants about their application status and available services

To ensure a smooth transition, we will be temporarily closing our online repair application. During this time, staff will pilot the new system, make necessary adjustments, and cross-train peers to prepare for re-opening applications.

Please rest assured that during this period, repairs will continue as planned for those who have already been approved for our services. Our commitment to those in need remains unwavering, and we will ensure that all approved repairs are completed as scheduled.

We understand that this pause may cause temporary inconvenience. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make these critical improvements that will allow our program to thrive long-term. Our goal is to create a more responsive and efficient program that can better serve the growing needs of our community.

We expect the new application to be available online in early 2025. To request notification when the new application is available, please submit this contact form. Notifications with a link to the new application will be emailed. The application will also be accessible via

Thank you for your continued support of Rebuild Upstate. Together, we are making a lasting impact on the lives of our neighbors, one home at a time. We look forward to continuing this important work with you as we move forward.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. My email is listed below. We value your input and are here to assist you in any way we can.



Jake Beaty

CEO, Rebuild Upstate

[email protected]