COVID-19 Response Update

An Update from Rebuild Upstate President/CEO Chris Manley

Dear Rebuild Upstate Family:

These recent months have been challenging for all of us in a whole host of ways. This time has indeed been a challenge for Rebuild Upstate. Accomplishing our mission requires us to be in-person, at the homes of our clients, and most of the time near each other as we repair homes. Despite these challenges, I am proud to report that we have never stopped working to make our vision a reality.

Our work has certainly looked different. In the early months of the pandemic, we relied on contractors and our staff to perform all of the repairs. In late May, we began inviting small teams of 2-3 volunteers to work on certain projects. Throughout June, we have engaged our staff, site leaders, and others in group volunteer projects with very specific precautions. Thankfully these precautions kept everyone safe and healthy – putting us in a great position to welcome more volunteers in the months ahead.

As of July 1, we welcome back all volunteer groups who are willing to work within our COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Worksites. During the pandemic, our waiting list has grown to be over 1,300 homes in desperate need of repair across our community. We need your help to repair these homes to ensure the people living inside can live safely. At a time when most of us are spending more time in our home than ever before, our mission could not be more relevant and needed.

Our staff has worked tirelessly to develop safety procedures that both keep volunteers as safe as possible and also allow us to accomplish work at each home. Listed below are our basic safety procedures as we respond to COVID-19. If you are willing and able, we hope you will raise your hand to join us – either individually or as a group. Abby Watson, our Community Engagement Specialist, is eager to hear from you to schedule your workday or get you involved individually.

Thank you for your prayers, your gifts, and your support as we continue to navigate through this pandemic. We are committed to our mission and will continue to work diligently to make homes safe and healthy for our neighbors. May God bless you and your family during this time.

Grace and peace,
Chris Manley
President/CEO & Founder

P.S. We do not currently have active office hours due to most of our staff working remotely. We can still be reached by email, phone, and in-person by appointment, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Sanitize a tool after using it, every time.
Each tool gets sanitized after you use it; breaks excluded if you keep the tool with you. Do not share a tool without sanitizing it first.

6 Feet Apart as much as possible
Maintain a 6-foot distance from other participants as much as you possibly can (including during breaks).

10 People Max 
No more than 10 people are permitted on a worksite at any time.

Protect Homeowners
Homeowners will remain distant (10-foot minimum) at all times; do not approach a homeowner or resident closer than this.

No Face Touching
Do not touch your face for any reason without washing your hands first. Let it itch. You’ll live.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
Wash your hands or use sanitizer every time you take a break.

No Mask, No Volunteering
Masks covering the mouth and nose must be worn at all times on the worksite, with the exception of removal for eating or drinking while 6 feet apart.